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Fluid Analysis in the 21st Century - Paperback

Fluid Analysis in the 21st Century - Paperback

SKU:by Jack Poley, 408 pages

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Written by Jack Poley, 408 pages


Practical Fluid Analysis in the 21st Century is a comprehensive description of the entire fluid analysis (Fa) process, from concept to implementation to accountability to ROI. It includes basic information, but also numerous details, both technical and practical, essential to the processes and success of Fa. Anyone who reads and absorbs the material will be able to raise up a world-class Fa program. One would also understand and realize the need to be aware of condition monitoring as an overarching practice for all forms of nondestructive testing of machinery health. The book closes with the concept of holistic condition monitoring, the uniting of all techniques with ongoing help from artificial intelligence.

This book will hopefully create a stronger, more vital awareness of the need for Fa in the industrial sector. Practical Fluid Analysis in the 21st Century is the most complete and definitive book ever written on Fa for lubricated machinery. As a career evaluator of Fa for more than 50 years, Jack Poley provides the full history and progression of the Fa industry for lubricated machinery. Get this book and seize the most from your Fa program!

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